Physiotherapist’s top stretches to prevent running injuries Running offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, benefiting both the body…
An Active Canada Day In Ottawa: A CURAVITA Guide Get outside and get active this Canada Day! The city is…
Time to Stretch As we go through life, we develop habitual ways of using our muscles to move and position…
Air quality can greatly impact our health. This week’s blog discusses some ways to improve your respiratory muscles’ function to help in times of poor air quality.
Stand-Up Paddleboarding is a popular summer activity that offers many physical benefits, read on to learn how it can benefit you!
Construction and concert season are here, but what does all the sounds mean for your health? Read this week’s blog to learn more.
Summer is in full swing and many are planning road trips to explore new places and make memories. Learn how to prevent back pain.
Learn more about back-saving tips for gardening this spring!